Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This whole blog thing was supposed to keep me accountable as a writer...but... well... I haven't been doing so much writing. I have been journaling, but putting those thoughts online hasn't happened. So here it is, a little recap of my life (in bulleted form):

  • Work has been a little boring lately, but I'm not totally complaining because I get out right at 5 and we all take nice, long lunch breaks, haha. I also am getting to know my coworkers even better since we have time to chat every now and then.
  • I've been running a lot more lately and I think I'm going to sign up for the Chicago half marathon in the fall. I've done some really hilly 10-milers at home (Flinttown, what? KIDDING!) so I think I'm up for it. I started lifting again too, so I feel like I'm getting back into my routine and getting back to being ME. Hard to explain, but I digress. Pretty soon, I think I'll feel like my old kick-ass self. Not like, oh man, I am so cool kick-ass, but like, yeah I work out enough that I look like I might be able to beat someone up. Not that I actually want to. Or even could. But still, I've always liked looking and feeling athletic. Last summer, someone stopped me on the street in Ann Arbor and asked me if I played a sport for the school. HA! No, but that was awesome. And that's my goal, to get back to that. Props to all the skinny girls out there, but I don't want to look like that anymore. I was there once, and it wasn't pretty. Buff and athletically slim is pretty for me.
  • The weather here is beautiful!!! I layed out this weekend by Lake Michigan, and it just felt like all was right with the world. I even got a bit of a tan. OK, a burn...and don't scold! I know SPF is important but I was coming from the gym...and the park...was so close... and home... was so much farther away... SPF 30 next time, I promise.
  • I have a bunch of UMich friends who have moved here/will move here soon and I am pumped! I'm glad I kind of already have my own roots here, though. It makes me feel a bit more like, "Yeah, I came here on my own and did it all by myself!" You know? Feels good.
  • I've decided that I am a voice girl. Um, what? Yeah, I know, sounds weird. But you know how you are attracted to certain traits? Like someone is a leg guy or a shoulders girl? Does that make sense? Well, I've always been a smile and jaw kind of girl, but suddenly I'm noticing guys' voices. The guys are cute enough, but what I'm noticing is that if I like someone's voice they become 10 times cuter. I still notice smiles and jawlines (weird, I know), but random guys that I would never find attractive are suddenly crush-worthy because their voices strike me. And not one type of voice, but if it registers as pleasant, then, well, I think you're cute? OK, so this bullet was random.
  • I'm turning 23 on Friday!!! Last year, I was like OMG, I DO NOT want to turn 22!! There's nothing after that! But this year -- dare I say it? -- I'm sort of excited. I think it's because it's my first one in the city and it feels like my first real ADULT birthday. Sadly, a ton of my friends from here are going to be out of town this weekend! Dammit! Oh well, I don't have to celebrate right on the day. Maybe someone will be in town? Either way, I'm actually excited to say, "Me? How old am I? Oh, 23."

OK, time is running out and I need to get to the gym before T gets here! She has a job interview tomorrow (cross your fingers... we want to get an apartment together) so she's staying with me. Gotta run, but I'll try to write more soon. I might even pick a theme. I've been reading a ton of vegan/food blogs because I've been making attempts at eating vegan lately, so maybe I'll try to do a food blog to keep me accountable in eating AND writing.
We'll see!

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